
290 Physics of Fluids (Effect of polymer viscosity on tooth cooling and aerosolization during dental procedures) 2023-02-10
289 International Journal of Energy Research (Supersonically Sprayed Carbon-Coated Bimetallic Zn2SnO4 with Reduced Graphene Oxide for Rapid-Charging, Binder-Free, and Long-Term-Stable Lithium-Ion-Battery 2023-02-10
288 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (Pool boiling enhancement via biphilic surface comprising superhydrophilic TiO2 and superhydrophobic Teflon arrays) 2023-02-10
287 Applied Surface Science (Oriented attachment of carbon/cobalt-cobalt oxide nanotubes on manganese-doped carbon nanofibers for flexible symmetric supercapacitors) 2023-02-10
286 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Green Technology (Enhancing Solar Radiant Heat Transfer Using Supersonically Sprayed rGO/AgNW Textured Surfaces) 2023-02-10
285 Process Safety and Environmental Protection (Numerical modeling for turbulent diffusion torch of flammable gas leak from damaged pipeline into atmosphere) 2023-02-10
284 Case Studies in Thermal Engineering (Pool boiling performance of TiO2 superhydrophilic and Teflon superhydrophobic surfaces on evenly deposited copper frustums) 2023-02-06
283 International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer (Propulsion of cruising boats by thrust forces of bubbles released from nanotextured nickel-plated heaters) 2023-02-06
282 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (Hierarchical ZIF-67 of dodecahedral structure on binder-free carbon nanofiber for flexible supercapacitors) 2022-12-07
281 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (Pool boiling enhancement via biphilic surface comprising superhydrophilic TiO2 and superhydrophobic Teflon arrays) 2022-12-01
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